Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sitting in a Tree...

It's so nice that fall is around the corner. Lovely days where it's cool enough to go outside for more than two minutes, the crisp flavor in the air...time for trips to the Botanical Gardens! we had a wonderful one today. It was A-chan's first time hiking the forest trail under her own power. She'd been down it before with the help of super-carrying powers from myself and Ketu as well as her Godparents S&L. It was very neat to overlay previous trips with her much smaller and less interactive with today's trip where she noticed so much! It amazed us both that she walked the whole trail and only asked to be picked up twice. There were a few times where she tripped and she scraped one knee a little. Overall, though, it was a perfect afternoon.

(S and L, we miss you guys so much. Yes, even though we got to see you on Saturday...when we went walking today we remembered going on the trail with you two and really wished that you could have joined us!)

Here are some pics of her in the Gardens on a less wild path. Her first time sitting up in a tree was so much fun that she keeps asking to sit in any tree she sees. Unfortunatley most of them are saplings and are way too small!

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