Monday, October 1, 2007

New songs to sing

We have two new songs to sing! The first is the Bubble song which I made up as we spent the afternoon blowing bubbles in the driveway.

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere

Rainbow bubbles in the air

Catch them high and catch them low

Catch them quick before they go!

Not very complicated, but it's nice and easy for when blowing bubbles between the lines. A-chan seemed to get a kick out of it, but she's starting to get the knack of public politeness so I can't really tell for sure if she liked it or not. It's kind of cool that she's started doing the polite 'yes, that's very nice' response and most of the time I can still tell whether she really means it or not.

The second song was "Row your boat" which was quickly hit over the head with a few word changes that would make it a more challenging song like: Row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row a boat. And 'trees, trees, trees gently down the stream'

We also spent a few minutes early this morning playing our doumbeks together which was awesome but not very coordinated. I need more practice, lol. A-chan had fun drumming while I did some dance practice, though. And then she did some dancing with me!

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