Sunday, October 14, 2007

All grown up

My little girl is a big girl now. :( I am so very proud of her and all of her little quirks and accomplishments but at the same time I miss the little tiny girl who was just learning to walk. It's strange to have people say all the time that they grow up so fast and hearing it so often, I've tended to start ignoring it. So it hit a little more sharply today perhaps.

It delights me that she's started to understand the vagaries of the adult mind and how to get what she wants by going sideways rather then straightforward. This past Saturday she would tell us that she was just going to go and 'look' at the big cookie on the counter and after staring at it for a few minutes she asked for one chip.

One of her newest catch-phrases is "the plan". We will tell her a scenario, something along the lines of eating dinner and then watching a video, she will respond with "I don't know if I like that plan. Hmmm, maybe we should..." And then proceed to negotiate with us until we find a plan that she agrees with. Sometimes she will come up with a plan all on her own, tell us about it and then say, "I think that sounds like a good plan." Ultimately I think this tells us how much we use this type of phrase which I hadn't realized before.

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