Thursday, October 11, 2007

Decorating with Pumpkins

We had a lot of fun unpacking the Halloween decorations and putting them out after dinner. A-chan had chosen a plastic pumpkin when we were at a store right before DragonCon and which we had purchased and promptly hid away in the 'decoration' area. She was ready to display it tonight and enjoyed deciding where it should go. It went on the top step of her step stool first, but with advise from the safety guards it went up to the breakfast bar and then later found it's way to the dining room table where it currently remains. The big plastic Jack'o'lantern what had colored lights glowing from inside was a hit again this year. One of the first things she asked about was getting the lights turned on. The Halloween books were the biggest hit of all, though. We read through three of them before watching our 'Bottle Fairy' video. 'Black Cat Creeping' was the first to grab her attention.

Ever since we decorated she's been asking each visitor to our house, "Do you like our Halloween?" And we have continued to read all the Halloween books every day. Sometimes multiple times in a day. And in just a couple more days now we will have new halloween books to save my sanity, yes we will.

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