Monday, October 22, 2007

We Hate Shots.

Oh yes indeed we do. A-chan has pretty much been repeating that phrase most of the day. It was her three year check-up in which she was already supposed to be getting a dose of HepA vaccine but we added in the Flu shot and a Typhoid vaccine in preparation for our trip. Not happy making in any way. And we have a prescription for anti-malaria meds for her. Anti-malarials as a whole make me just cringe! I don't like them. Well, I don't like any type of meds really, but I hate anti-malarials. But the pediatrician seemed to think they were important for A-chan and so we shall give them to her. I don't think any of us are going to like it, though.

We did come to the doctor's office prepared with a box of one of A-chan's fav treats, Pocky. At first she was too upset to want any but after a few minutes many, many were consumed and she started to feel a little better. Yay for bribery! We still feel horrible, she was being such an extraordinarily good girl with the doctor and cooperating with everything and then after being so good she had to get shots and it's just not fair. Explaining to her that the shots were necessary to protect her from getting sick might have actually done some good, we're not sure.

Now out with the guilt and in with the rant: Ever notice that the check-up questionaire has some really dumb questions on it? Here's one from today - 'If you give your child a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, will he/she use the scissors to cut the paper?' Duh! Am I really going to give my 3 year old a pair of scissors and wait to see what happens? No! Scissors + toddler = badness. Even child-safe scissors. Sure, she might not cut her finger off but there are a whole lot of other things that I don't even want to think about her being able to cut with hair or cat fur or electrical cords or my favorite books.... End rant.

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