Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Oh, the pain!

It was my folly to let A-chan pick out a book for storytime this evening. Storytime preceeds bedtime and was already late because of the grocery store run, then bath time. So at 11:30 A-chan picks out the "Happy Baby Words" book. And then wants us to spell out each and every word in the whole book. And tell her the color and name of everything in the book. By midnight we were both yawning our heads off and she was still going strong. I kept telling Ketu to skip a page, please! But she knew what was next and would get upset if we skipped anything. I swear it was a trap to bore us to death!

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that she is so bright. I just couldn't handle the spelling bee at midnight after a long day. Our schedule is kind of strange since Ketu and I both work from home. Technically Ketu works for a company in CA, but I think we live on Hawaii time instead of CA time. We usually get up at 9:00 am, A-chan gets up at 10:30 am. A-chan usually goes to bed at 10:30 pm (with a 2 hour nap around 3pm) while we go to bed at 2:00am.

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