Monday, June 30, 2008

Allowance for a pool

It's a southern tradition. The invasion of the kiddie pool has arrived. Two of A-chan's friends have recently had pools available for playing in and A-chan decided she needed one as well. A pool is not something that I was interested in getting for her at all - we tend to avoid sunshine like the plague and we've got drought issues at the moment. But she wanted one sooooo much. And we're suckers.

But at least we made her work for it! Kind of, anyway. We offered to let her do some 'work' around the house to earn an allowance and then she could use the allowance to buy the pool. She was delighted and did the three things that we asked, mainly three different variations on 'see that pile of blocks/toys/dolls/clothing of yours over there? can you put them away, please?' She then earned $5 and we went the next afternoon to purchase the pool. It didn't cost $5, but it was the idea that was important and not the actually money.

And I still am not sure if the whole allowance thing was more for her (learning about work, money and such) or for me (not feeling guilty about buying her a wantonly luxurious item that I hadn't intended to buy in the first place). A-chan seems to really like the allowance idea now that she has seen it come to fruition twice. It will be interesting to see what she does with it in the future.

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