Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not Ready

It's hard getting up in time for school. And it's not exactly happening on time yet. School starts next monday (4 days). I kept intending to start getting A-chan up earlier, but things keep happening to keep her up late. I'll work harder on it the next couple of days.

Tonight is the parent's meeting for her school. I'm a little nervous about it. First because I'm going to be late for it - it starts at 7 and I'm teaching a dance class until 7. Secondly because I'll be dressed for dance class and icky from dancing for an hour! Going to take clothes to change into if I find the time for it, but who knows.

We're getting really excited about Dragoncon now and starting to work on costumes a whole lot. A-chan has decided that this year she wants to continue her Jawa costume and her fairy costume but add a Knight costume.

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