Friday, August 7, 2009

Tooth trauma

So on A-chan's very first day as a yellow belt she got injured and bled on her new belt, which is kind of a badge of honor I am told. She collided with another student while playing freeze tag and bashed her teeth. They are fine now, but at the time it was fairly traumatic with blood everywhere and both lips busted open. It was her first major (ie bleeding) injury and her first trip to the ER which we should have just skipped and gone to the dentist instead, but I followed her pediatrician's advice. Anyway, it wasn't a very bad injury - it just looked awful at the time. She was soon very proud of her battle scars and showing everyone :)

The dentist did xrays (thank goodness the dental technician was good with kids, cause the dentist certainly was NOT). The xrays showed that her baby teeth are just about to fall out anyway! Hurridly did we prepare by making a tooth pillow so that we will be ready for the tooth fairy when one does fall out. A-chan has been asking me to go buy her apples for the last three days, hoping that her loose tooth will stick in one and come out.

I'm pretty proud of the tooth pillow, it's soooo cute! But I'm extra proud of my girl who bounced back very quickly and was ready to go back to Tae Kwon do the next day.

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