Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This year A-chan went through a total of 3 costumes for Halloween. For the Library's halloween night she wore her Knight outfit from DragonCon. For the Halloween party on the 30th she wore her Pirate outfit from DragonCon last year. For her school fall festival and the actual Trick or Treating it was her Faerie outfit that got chosen. It was very cute.

I chose a kimono complete with obi and obijime, geta and wild hair sticks. A-chan complemented by obi tying skills with "wow, you can tie an obi just like Konata's dad!" which references the Lucky Star anime.

It was kind of icky and wet but not as cold as I thought it might be. We went out with Emma and Alex and their parents and some other friends first, then visited Lucy and my mother. Mom took A-chan treating around her neighborhood and by then her Hello Kitty basket was overflowing.

She really enjoyed all of it despite the rain. I think that I personally could have done with less walking but I enjoyed it too. One thing I find interesting is how she never actually looks and chooses the candy she likes. She chooses things randomly and leaves the things she knows she likes. It will be neat to see if that changes next year :)

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