Sunday, November 19, 2006

An open house

The day started off poorly when religious spammers drove up and knocked on the door thereby waking up the baby early and scaring her at the same time. This pretty much set her mood to tantrum girl for the next 6 hours: I was not happy. Ketu was not happy. A-chan was incredibly unhappy. I have to wonder if they have any clue just how absolutely rude and annoying they are?

We went to an open house party yesterday for A-chan's godparents. (We use the term loosely because we couldn't think up a better one at the time and everyone pretty much has an idea of what this means, but to us it has no religious connotations...) Oh wow, was the food just incredible! S is a fantastic cook and we ate ourselves silly. AND we got to bring lots of it home with us, woot!! We'd never eaten tamales and we loved the frybread which was just like poori.

At first A-chan was very sleepy and not wanting to socialize, in fact did a fantastic sulky face that I wish we'd thought to get a picture of. After eating a ton of blueberries, some cornmeal cookies and chocolate covered cherries she finally started smiling. Her red winter squeaky shoes had stopped squeaking about a month ago, so we thought that they were safe for letting her wear them in the confined space of a house. Almost as soon as we got there one shoe started squeaking again! At least it wasn't as bad as with both squeakers going and it definately helped keep track of her. (Except for the time that I was weaving and not paying attention and Ketu was eating chili and came into the hallway and saw her about 8 stairs up. We don't have any stairs at home so anytime she can climb stairs she wants to desperately, but she's not very steady at it since she doesn't get to practice much. Heartattack time!)

The arrival of M,F & E also helped with her mood. Soon the four girls were flying around the house in a game of follow the leader. Her pants are too big for her and despite the belt kept slipping down. (teeny-tiny baby butt) Every time A-chan would run around the corner she would stop and let M,F & E's dad pull up her pants! It was so funny - she wouldn't let anyone else do it and she stopped every time!

Apparently she became quite enamored of L's non-digital clock (how often do you see those these days?!!) and tried to take it with her. She asked for one this morning at breakfast.

She fell asleep on Ketu's shoulder around 9 pm - something she's never done before. Well, not since she was like 10 months old anyway. If it's not a bed with her lovies and special blanket it's not for falling asleep on. It was soooo sweet :) And Ketu sat there with her on his shoulder for about and hour as we talked to people, isn't he a great dad?

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