Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yay, MomoCon!!! It's a smallish, completely free anime convention held at Georgia Tech. We didn't get to spend much time there cause we're always late leaving the house, but we still had lots of fun. Our overall impression was: Crowded! There were lots of people there and not enough space for them. Great costumes were everywhere. A-chan was especially impressed with some of the more intricate dresses, though the first words she said about the con itself were, "where stormtroopers, mata?". The troupe of young girls all wearing bunny hats also made a big impression on her.

She had asked to wear her "pretty pink Mei dress" so I got her all dressed up as Mei (Yay!!) and she got several complements and some 'soo cute!' comments. It was unexpectedly frigid so she wore some pants underneath the dress and her Totoro turtleneck onesie to keep warm. To complete the outfit she carried around Chu and Sho Totoros (that her godmother L made for her for christmas) in a purple backpack. I think the thrill of wearing a backpack like a big kid was a huge thing for her. And because I go overboard like a crazi-woman we all had really pretty bentos, but A-chan's was a Totoro and soot sprites! For pictures of the bentos go to

The squeaky shoes were only half squeaky cause I'd broken one the day before, so she didn't make as much noise as usual. But we also didn't have to worry about her walking into the video rooms or panels and disturbing everyone, so the half squeaky was okay. The Anime Music Video room was quite a hit, we spent probably an hour in there watching these awesome videos. The best part was that A-chan loved them. (We had tried to watch some at AWA last year and she drug us from the room, screaming at the top of her lungs) She recognized several of her favorite characters in some and enjoyed it, did a lot of giggling.

The Dealer's room was pretty small at MomoCon, but it was awesome all the same. We thought about getting A-chan a soft Mei doll, but didn't want to spend $75 on it. I did get to meet the artist who draws one of my favorite addicting web manga, Red String, which was too cool! I bought her manga and the guy at the booth next door recommended I get her to sign it, which she was sooo nice to do, w00t! A-chan wanted the first Strawberry Marshmallow manga (her current favorite anime series) which the really nice guy gave her for free when we bought 2 manga for me (Imadoki #4 & 5) and one for Ketu.

And last, but not least she has a new mascot! Meet Purple Mochi, an incredibly cute little bean bag that the guy at the Stubbychubby booth offered to let her have. She was sooo cute! When he said she could have it, she started pulling more off the table saying "mata needs, dada needs" lol. We put ours back, but will probably buy some soon from there website. She even did a little bow and said 'thank you'! They also had awesome pillows that I wanted. We definately met some very nice people and learned that the cute toddlers are the rulers of the world.

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