Friday, March 23, 2007

A Pretty Dress Makes All the Difference

Ketu and A-chan have been feeling under the weather today in a big, cranky, evil day sort of way, poor things. We've had lots of toddler tantrums and yelling and general stubborness all day. It's amazing how much better one can feel when dressed up, though. She decided that she wanted to wear a dress that had been hanging in her room for a couple of weeks. It used to be my dress when I was just a little older than she is now.

With the new "pretty dress" on she pranced around beaming a smile and asking that we take her picture not only with the standard camera but with the camcorder as well. She suddenly felt like playing! We played for a while until she got hot with the long sleeves and asked to change back to summer clothes. We couldn't believe that it got up to 85 here today already!

It's interesting to me how things change when one has a child. I think when my mother asked me what I wanted to do with my old clothes a few years back I had said to just throw them out. Now I'm really glad that she didn't do it. It was just too sweet to have my baby girl dress up to play in much the same way that I once did. How sappy, but true. :) And just a few years ago I could never have imagined this feeling. One might note the amount of her clothes that I am putting away in the attic instead of donating to Goodwill...

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