Friday, March 16, 2007

Time is no where to be seen.

A-chan won't sleep. She used to go to sleep around 10:30 or 11 at night (as I've mentioned before we have a strange schedule, we get up around 10 am) but lately has been finally falling asleep around 1:30 maybe 2 am even. We can't figure out why and nothing we do seems to have any effect on it whatsoever.

It's driving me nuts. I usually do tons of stuff in that couple to three hours every night between her falling asleep and me doing the same. But I'm having to be extra quiet to try and get her to sleep instead, I can't even type! So, very little blogging is going on right now. There is tons of stuff to say and that I want to post, but I never can :(

We're going to MomoCon tomorrow, a small anime convention in atlanta. It should be a blast! We will get mochi, strawberry mochi. I can't wait!!!

Here are some lovely pictures of A-chan being a gypsy. (I was trying to put away the clean laundry and she kept pulling out random bits of clothes saying, "I put this on now." and piling them on top of each other.)

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