Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Drum's the Thing!

Drums have become the new fav toy of the moment. Particularly the large empty can that used to hold mixed nuts which, when paired with a set of chopsticks, makes an excellent and multi-faceted drum. We have explored the top, bottom and sides and tested them many times to make certain that it is properly useful in making music. A-chan delights in playing the drum very fast. This drum was discovered while she sat on the kitchen counter to help me make breakfast recently. She just looked at the can for a moment and then said, "I need drumsticks." so I handed her a set of chopsticks and that was that. Isn't it amazing how happy such a simple thing can make a young child?

There are definately days when I am grateful for my daughter and her insights and intellect. We've been having issues with meals, etc for a bit which I ranted about recently. Upon dire reflection one evening after a full day of tantrums, Ketu and I realized what had been lacking in our lives and recognized the need to bring it back. Naps had been wiped off the schedule. It had happened sneakily where one day I needed to clean the house and thought, "she doesn't need a nap just this once and I can clean instead of being quiet all afternoon." And somehow after that one day it became easier to let the nap slide and then suddenly we were all like, "A-chan doesn't take naps anymore."

Oh, but A-chan needs naps. Oh, yes she does. Please Gods, let our darling take naps again!

I was expecting to have a great and terrible battle in order to get her to take a nap again, but I truly underestimated how much she understands. After lunch I told her that it was time for her to take a nap, that we really needed her to take a nap and why. When I'd gotten her into her bed she told me, "I need to take a nap so I not be sleepy at dinner time and I not get mad and I not yell and everyone is happy, okay?" It's been three days now and she hasn't protested the naps a bit. Our lives have much improved on an overall basis and dinners are almost heavenly!

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