Sunday, May 6, 2007


Now that A-chan has really begun to be interested in talking to everyone she meets, things are getting interesting with translation! Yesterday she had to tell several people that "duck poop got on my shoes" and today she did some "little doggie has floppy ears". People get such quizzical looks on their faces when they don't understand her, but they are usually very polite and answer something noncommittal.

The duck poop was obviously a big issue yesterday since when we (Ketu, A-chan, myself, my mother & her parents) were walking around the pond she kept pointing out areas of possible duck poopage and watching to make sure none of us stepped in any. But then her very last act leaving the park was to step in some, lol.

On the purple jawa front, we spent the afternoon searching for fabric for her costume. I"m planning to get it made as soon as I can so that she will stop telling us every 5 minutes what she's going to wear at Dragoncon! It was cute to begin with, but now we're out of our minds trying to find a way to reassure her about it so that she won't continue this for the next....hmmm....3.5 months.

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