Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Obsession

Purple Jawa. Who could ever have dreamt that an idle comment made in jest would take on a life of it's own and dominate our waking moments?

We have heard, "I dress up as a purple jawa for dragoncon" at least twice every hour all day yesterday, all day today.

Everyone that we meet has to hear about it. Phone calls are necessary to talk about it. She even told our lawn-guy!

It's gotten out of control. We can't handle it. I spent lunch yesterday researching how to make a Jawa cloak. Ph33r. (I initially brought up some websites to show her, making sure that she really did know what a jawa is which she did and to be absolutely certain she wanted to dress up as a pastel version which she does.)

I had thought that she would forget about it pretty quickly. I was sooo wrong. It's actually a very cute idea and I'm looking forward to making her costume and seeing her wear it. But I think I'll be making it really soon so that I don't have to keep reassuring her that yes, I will remember to make her a purple jawa for dragoncon.

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