Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Phase Shift!

Suddenly things are different. Instead of coloring everything one color, coloring by numbers is happening! It seems like such a little thing, but we've been trying to introduce the concept of different colors in one picture for such a long time. And we turned around to find that she's doing color by numbers in her LEGO computer game perfectly...and wonder when did that happen?! My opinion is that the Brainy Baby Art video has sooo much to do with it. I didn't think it would make such a huge difference at first. A-chan loved watching it, though. She asked to see it every day, calling it the Baby Painting video.

The first thing we noticed was that she was suddenly obsessed with drawing broken lines, straight lines and was beginning to make the connection to drawing shapes and things like balloons and spiders. She really wanted to draw all the time! Not just the formless scribbles that she had been doing, she was going for true drawings. And then came the color by numbers change. It wasn't even a learning process, it was an instant change. One day she was doing the entire picture in one color then redoing it in the next color. Then the next day she was doing it by the numbers without any hesitation, almost as though she'd known that was how it should be done before but just didn't feel like it at the time.

What is so amazing about it all is how quickly the changes happened. We kind of felt left behind and adrift as the things we'd been working on with her have all been conquered - so what do we do now? It's also just awesome to watch it happen, we're so lucky to be able to be with her all the time so that we can really see exactly when things change!
Here are some of her creative spiders (drawn with chalk on her dad's card table) with eyes and mouths and buttons!

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