Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Purple Jawa Update

The PJP is moving pretty smoothly at the moment. The cloak and hood are finished with one minor bit of velcro/ hook and eye needing to be added! The Small Highness has tried on both and found them to be satisfactory.

Since I am expecting her to be excited about the costume and actually wearing it for maybe 10 minutes before getting too hot or bored, I'm working on an under-dress which isn't constructed with too much Jawa fashion in mind but hopefully will be comfy to wear. I want it to be very loose to give her room to breathe and maybe even have it still fit next year. When she tried it on for me this evening she said, "can it be a little smaller?"

The main problem that I am having at the moment is how to make the belt of pouches that Jawa typically wear. It would be easy if we used leather but we don't! So I'm thinking faux leather and hand making it myself which seems tedious but I'm willing to try. The other option is to use fabric to make it. Whatever I do it won't look much like the authentic stuff, not that I'm trying that hard to be authentic, so I'm not going to worry about it too much.

After that the next problem to solve is a mask and eyes. But we'll think about that....sometime later, yep.

It's been a lot of fun working on the costume, I'm surprised a little at how much I've been enjoying it. And truly amazed at the fact that A-chan still is all excited about it. She still says excitedly that she's going to be a purple jawa for dragoncon. Almost every day she asks me if I'm working on her costume. Somehow I'd always thought that a two year old would forget about something that was a) so far in the future & b) so esoteric as a costume that she 'made up'. (though the costume is wholly inspired by star wars and even SWG, you don't see purple jawas anywhere in the movies - it's a totally random idea)

I am a little stressed about the fact that it isn't as well-sewn as it could be and it's not as authentic as I personally would like it. But I keep reminding myself that it's okay - she's only 2 years old.

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