Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Kumon Workbook Luv

Educational materials that I really love are few and far between at this point. Mainly due to the fact that I haven't been searching all that much for them yet. But a lot of what I've seen isn't any fun. We picked up the first Kumon book, Tracing, last year and started working with A-chan using her finger to follow the lines. Recently she progressed to using a pen from a pencil and is doing great! The best part is that she asks to do the exercises. We couldn't get her to stop today and that was wonderful. I love these books! The 1-30 book and the Uppercase letters book are the other two that we have right now. They do a great job of teaching and it's really fun to watch her start drawing the numbers. (We haven't really tried drawing letters yet.) The five and the eight are a bit problematic and frustrating for everyone involved, lol.

The grocery store that we like to go to gives out free balloons to youngsters and of course, as soon as she understood that concept A-chan started asking for one as we pulled into the parking lot. The latest one had to be yellow with a yellow teddy bear weight and string. Within a day it lost most of it's lift and is a bit depleted. A-chan's friend KayKay showed her the neatest trick with her pinwheel this past weekend - holding it over an a/c vent while the air is blowing makes it turn really fast. And yesterday A-chan applied the same theory to the ailing balloon to make it fly up in the air. It's just so cool because it has this point where it just sits and hovers in the air above the vent. A-chan is overcome with joy about the whole thing and spent a long time today enjoying the interaction. She keeps wanting us to come see it, though and verify that the balloon is flying all by itself. We finally convinced her to see if the balloon could fly over the vent that happened to be in the same room as us so we could just turn around and see it instead of walking all the way into the other room every 5 minutes :D

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