Monday, June 25, 2007

A new shirt is happiness

We got a box today. Inside were new clothes that we'd bought online. One shirt was the one that A-chan had picked out all by herself on the computer. She was very proud of that fact and wanted to try it on immediately.

It has a fuzzy monkey on it and a fuzzy panda on it just like at the zoo and it has a fuzzy tiger, too!

Being the anti-pink woman that I am, I must now say "Yay!" for daughters who like zoo animals and not pink fluffy things. Don't get me wrong, I don't absolutely hate pink...but there is a finite amount of pink that I can stand. The pink princess thing really irritates me. Why can't there be other colors for princesses? So, I'm in favor of cute things that aren't pink.

A-chan is just starting to notice and give bits of thought to her clothes. But for the most part she still lets me pick things out for her. And while I have the power there will be not much pink in our little girl's closet. I know that the power, while wonderful, will not last long and some day I will have to step aside and let the evil that is pink creep in when she wants it to... but until that day I shall exercise my power with abandon while I can!

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