Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sleepy, sleepy time

After a long day of waking up early and not having a nap, my sweet little girl went to sleep on my lap while we sat at the computer where moments before she was coloring in photoshop. It was so sweet! She kept jerking awake, coloring for a moment, then falling back asleep. We tried to get her directly into bed but she woke up at the last second and remembered that we were going to watch some Star Wars before bed. So...we watched some star wars. lol.

Earlier in the day she got her very first ant bite/bee sting/something or other that made her hand all red and finger all swollen and painful. Neither of us were right there to see what happened and asking her what had stung her wasn't helpful.

me: "What did the bug look like? Was it an ant?"

A-chan: "uh-huh. it looked like a bug and flew away."

me: "Was it a bee?"

A-chan: "No, it was a bug!"

Our remedy was to soak her hand in a bowl of cold water for about 20 minutes which did an amazing job. It didn't take long before she was saying that her hand felt better and by the end of the soak it was hard to tell that anything was wrong with her hand.

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