Monday, June 11, 2007

Bare Feet

This past week we have had an unprecedented amount of bare feet! Never before has A-chan wanted to go barefoot, the only events that she would agree to take her socks off for were bathtime and swimming. But last Thursday she decided to go barefoot with her friend KayKay and then again on Saturday with M,F & E while we visited their house. She made the comment, "Look, I have feet!" several times on Saturday, apparently surprised by this fact. It is a huge amount of progress in an area that we had given up on some time before. When A-chan was first born she had trouble breathing and had to have blood taken from her heels every two hours for a couple of days. Since then, basically all of her life, she has hated to have her socks off for any reason and generally gotten very irrate if someone even looked at her feet when her socks were off. Maybe she just needed to get used to the idea of having barefeet slowly and finally decided this week that it was okay.

Other unprecedented adventures this week included the first experience with water balloons, which I hear was well receieved, coloring on the TV with chalk as she watched the Brainy Baby Art video, and getting a book stuck in the front window (It was "Ten Tiny Tickles by Karen Katz). All in all, a very eventful beginning to summer.

On a side note, the Purple Jawa Project is underway with the cloak cut out and ready for sewing later this week.

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