Friday, June 22, 2007

India Food is Yummy!

Exposing our girl to exotic foods is both a pleasure and a challenge. She loves Italian, Japanese & Thai food. Scottish & Irish she loves. Greek is so-so, the same with Middle Eastern. Mexican is definately a favorite (Burritos, tortilla chips & salsa all rule!).

But until now Indian food has gotten a turned up nose and a refusal to even try it. Except for mango lassis which she consumed rapidly and in great number. My love affair with mango lassis is well known in certain circles so it's no suprise that A-chan devours them like candy. The rest, though, was a definite surprise since not only does she like spicy and hot foods, Indian food is awesome. So I've been working on introducing more Indian cooking into our menus at home in an attempt to convince her that it's good. And we have success! Last night's chana masala was a hit, so was the cucumber raita and the cachumber. The aloo saag was refused but I can't blame her for that cause my aloo saag never comes out very good. I know better than to make lassis at home - for there goes the demise of my pre-dragoncon diet :D

I'm really happy that she liked dinner last night. Indian is one of our favorite 'special occassion' dinner choices which had been frought with toddler dissatisfaction the last few times we tried it. I have hope now that the next time we try an Indian restaurant for a birthday or anniversary that she will be much happier and enjoy the meal!

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