Monday, January 14, 2008

I win the game!

A-chan's gotten two kids games lately that we've been playing this past month. One, Wheels on the Bus, was a birthday present which she loved from the start. The other, Hungry Hungry Hippos, came from Santa and was absolutely adored from the first time that she played it with M, F & E. Any chance to play either game is met with great excitement and some whooping and hollaring.

We've really been enjoying this new way of interacting too. I wasn't expecting to find games for 3 year olds to be fun, but they are. Especially because they make her so happy. But at the same time, I worry about the competition aspect. This afternoon A-chan went around the house going, "I win the game!" for no apparent reason at all. Was she just expressing her happiness over playing the Bus game last night, I wondered? Or is she starting to get too hyped up about actually winning? And is this even something that I should worry about right now?

I would prefer that she be focused more on the fun of playing the game and not concentrate on who wins. But that is pretty much my own philosophy of game-play, to enjoy the actual playing and the companionship of friends without being concerned over winning. Is it wrong for me to try and instill my own value of gaming in my daughter? Or is that being an overbearing parent? I'm sure that one day as she grows up and become interested in doing something competetive even more questions will arise. But I think for now I will try, somehow, to keep her interested more in the game itself than in being a 'winner'.

The picture above was taken on the Big Red Bus Tour of Dubai. A-chan does love buses!

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