Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shocking Princess Disappearance

The disappearance of Sleeping Beauty and subsequent shock from same caused quite a stir in the household and environs today. Distress included loss of bladder control and swamping of certain sections of house. Red pants, currently in vogue among the ruling classes, were required to replace the red pants that were rendered 'soaking wet' during the incident. All in all a stunning look at how such catastrophes can affect so many. The princess is still missing despite a large scale search and rescue effort that was called off in mid-afternoon due to impending lunch and nap time.

A-chan has been wearing panties for about 1.5 weeks now, except at nap time. And as long as she's wearing them she's incredibly good about going to the potty. Today was the first ever accident. I'm not sure if she was truly surprised at having found her Sleeping Beauty missing or if we took too long searching for her.

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