Saturday, January 5, 2008

You got it wrong!

One of A-chan's newest and favorite things to say! She's really started relishing whenever she can catch us doing something wrong. It's so cute!!! I'm sure that about a month from now it'll start to be more annoying than cute, but right now it's really cute.

Her Grandma got her these neat Brain Quest flash cards for x-mas that we weren't so sure she'd like. Apparently they are the greatest thing ever, though. She loves to play the 'flashcard' game with me. I've been very surprised at how many she can answer correctly. One thing that I love about them is how they have given me ideas on where I need to focus for her education. Things like money - we've not even tried to tell her that coins have values, etc. And we've not been doing much about rhyming words yet either. So I'm very excited about the new flashcards too!

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