Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not quite a year

I hadn't realized exactly how long it had been since I'd done any blogging. I've missed recording almost a whole year of my little girl growing up. Some catching up is in order!

A-chan is still in Tae Kwon Do and loving it. She had three yellow stripes on her white belt and is looking forward to testing for yellow belt - as soon as she really does know the form which is getting better by leaps and bounds.

She is currently going around and making sure everyone that she meets knows that she is actually 4 and a half. The half being ever so important at this age.

At DragonCon last year she dressed up as a purple Jawa again as well as a pirate. AWA was a double costume project as she and a friend dressed up as Sugar and Pepper from Snow Fairy Sugar. Her 4th birthday party was a pirate party at Stone Mountain Park and was hilariously fun. She's since discovered Pump It Up b-day parties though and I'm terrified that she's going to ask for one of those this year.

Reading is her major passion at the moment (other than acting silly for attention) and she reads a book to everyone who will sit still long enough to let her. She recently read Green Eggs & Ham over the phone to her daddy, which was incredibly cute.

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