Saturday, May 16, 2009

Plenty of Firsts Left

It's still amazing to me sometimes to find things that are still "Big Firsts"! This evening we went to a carnival at the local mall parking lot and there were tons of Firsts for A-chan. We rode the Ferris Wheel and the Carousel, she went on the Dragon roller coaster all by herself and the Wiggly Wurms by herself. She'd never had cotton candy before and enjoyed that very much, though she professed to liking the rides more and stopped eating the sugar so she could get on another ride faster. There was a beautiful full rainbow that she took pictures of with her cell phone while we were waiting in line for the Carousel.

I had a blast. I always wanted to go to Carnivals when I was little. We went to one when I was small and one when I was a teenager. When A-chan begged to go and was sooooo excited about it, how could I say no? Part of it was me going "I want her to be able to do all the things that I didn't get to do when I was a child", of course. It was so much fun to watch her.

There are times when having a 4 year old that can read the menu is a detriment, though. She read everything. And decided she wanted a snow cone. She wasn't sure what a snow cone was, but she liked the sound of it. I didn't have any money left at that point so we left without one. But I made strawberry slushies when we got home instead. That was fun. And messy. Apparently large chunks of ice in a cuisinart make strawberry juice skirt out everywhere and I suddenly had a red kitchen. That which actually remained in the container was very tasty and proceeded to ruin dinner. It was a great use for the strawberries that we'd picked a couple of weeks ago and that i'd frozen. I might make more tomorrow.

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