Monday, January 22, 2007


So the last time we visited with M, F and E they had fun dressing up in play clothes - fancy shoes and sashes and the like. I thought that A-chan might enjoy doing the same, especially since she's always trying to wear her squeaky shoes in the house (omg the noise) or wear my shoes which are way dangerous.

We went to Target on a mission to find fancy shoes that a) wouldn't be too dangerous on our tile floor and b) weren't disney or barbie. There were a few pairs of shoes that we found, but not far away was the Star Wars aisle. A-chan found a purple light saber. When given the choice between the "pretty shoes" and the "purple light sword", which were the same price, A-chan instantly chose the saber. (good girl! hehe) She then commented on the fact that she already had pretty shoes, pointing to her new squeaky sneakers.

The light saber was played with all afternoon and evening until we took it away at bedtime. Phrases like, "I like star wars" and "purple light saber, A-chan" rang through the house. When it was time to watch our evening bit of video A-chan requested Star Wars (big surprise, lol) which we watched together. She is old enough to start questioning the movie and we've been getting a big hit out of explaining it all to her, though it's all been distilled into toddler-understandable form.

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