Monday, January 1, 2007

A year ago today

It was the first day of the new year in 2006 that our lovely baby girl decided to walk for the first time. There was no preamble, no warning, she just stood up in the middle of the dining room, saw her Dada in his office and went. She walked all the way over to him through one and a half rooms! We were flabbergast and just overjoyed - we'd been very worried about her since she was never interested in crawling and didn't seem interested in walking either. And what a day she chose to show us that we needn't worry, lol. It is so incredible to think back on that moment of unexpected happiness.

This year she learned how to operate a mouse on the computer. We provided some incentive to wow us with a late holiday gift of her own computer. (Technically it's Ketu's computer that doesn't get used much, an old monitor that we already had but a new toddler keyboard and mouse and games) We've been hoping that this will save our sanity in terms of being able to do work on our computers without her enthusiastic assistance. So far the Little Bear toddler game is doing a good job of providing a mouse-learning environment. She certainly seemed to enjoy it and after some encouragement and assistance from us in the beginning started to get the hang of the mouse.

Around ten o'clock last night I decided that I wanted to watch the Rose Parade today (George Lucas, stormtroopers!!!!). Ketu was happy to try to oblige me and spent a while last night trying to get tv through the antiquated antenna on our roof. What was truly amazing is that he succeeded! We were all set to watch it today until we woke up this morning and found that the cloud cover (here last night and gone this morning) was what allowed us to get tv reception. I hurridly called my mother who was very nice to rush home from Walmart to tape the parade for me. And then Ketu ran out to get the tape in time for us to watch it over dinner. whew. So much work for so fleeting a moment, but it was worth it! I've always loved the parade and always loved Star Wars and the two together were just wonderful. A-chan loved it as well, she thought all the stormtroopers were pretty awesome and said wow about a couple of the floats. And most amazing of all...she actually sat through dinner AND ate all by herself!!!

Being a complete Star Wars fangirl and geek, I have to say, "Star wars is the best thing ever, ever, ever!! (I tried to get A-chan to say this, even offering her a cookie in return but she said 'oh, nope'.) It was so neat to see all the stormtroopers, etc. because they all come from different places and different backgrounds but they have this common interest in (dare I say love of) Star Wars and that allows them to become comrades and this is incredible to me. I loved it. I love that my baby girl wanted to be a stormtrooper for halloween. I love that she asked Ketu to be in the 501st.

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