Friday, January 12, 2007

Brand New Squeaks

The new squeaky shoes arrived this morning! She had grown out of her last two pairs (in 3 months, can you believe it?!) and we hadn't worried about it too much since she only needs to wear shoes about once a week on average. Yes, that is how often we leave the house in a usual week - scary isn't it? But the new pairs arrived today and I even planned ahead: one pair is the next size up, weeee!

As soon as she knew that there were new shoes to try on, A-chan was delighted. One of the new pairs is sneakers instead of maryjanes and thwarted her attempts to put them on "all by self!" But once they were in place she went happily squeaking here and there, round about and back again. We finally convinced her to take them back off with a team effort of reason (let's not get your new shoes dirty, okay? please take them off now...) and distraction (look at the game on the computer, doesn't that look like fun? but you have to take your shoes off first...).

The pair that she enjoyed so much today were actually defective shoes which meant that we bought them for $2.99. The defect was backwards embroidery on one shoe. It reads A2U instead of USA as the other shoe does. I think it's amusing and cute. A-chan couldn't care less and we're all happy not to spend a huge amount on shoes that she will outrgow in 3 months.

The squeaky shoe revolution happened because of the difficulty in finding shoes that don't have leather on them but are not too slippery to wear on our tile floors. We have 3 different shoe types that we rely upon: the squeaky shoe for winter and crowd conditions, the Teva for summer and backyard wear, and geta for fancy shoes (although her current pair of geta are pretty small and I need to order more of them too). A-chan absolutely loves the squeaky shoes. I think that she would wear them all the time if we let her.

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