Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A Girl Who Loves Bubbles

Twice in two days I have been extremely surprised by the attention span of my toddler when bubbles are around. I am beginning to think that she can play with them forever if she were allowed to. The fascination that spherical floaty shiny objects that go pop have for toddlers is pretty fascinating in itself.

Last Friday we were having dinner at my mother's house where a bottle of bubble stuff is always kept just in case A-chan might want us to blow some. Of course it usually only takes her 5 minutes between stepping over the threshold and asking for bubbles. I blew bubbles that night until I was almost hyperventilating. It may not truly have been an hour's worth, but it sure felt like a lot longer, lol.

Then the very next day we went to S & L's house and there was even more bubble stuff - this time really cool ones that were scented like fruit! Again, she had them both blowing bubbles for a long, long time. It was so adorable to watch her chase them
in the wind and try to pop them before they popped on their own. The only way to get her to go back inside was to bribe her with the as yet unopened bottle of bubbles. By the end of the day she was so exhausted, but she was so happy!

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