Thursday, April 19, 2007

Purple Faerie, Mata!

We went to the Renaissance Festival and A-chan was very happy indeed to be a faerie again. She remembered being a purple faerie last year and wanted to do it again, luckily she didn't mind the pink dress which was made with chiffon that I already had on hand and wasn't going to use for anything else :) She was very adamant in being a faerie, though, and asked to have her wings put on several times. Didn't like the crown very much cause it's still too big and kept falling off - she said she wants purple hair instead!

This is a picture of her bewilderment at the Mother Goose Gazebo where they had geese in costumes that you could pet. A-chan would pet the duck but didn't want anything to do with the geese.

It was a fun day but also very tiring and stressful. The best part for her, I think, was the boat swing. These very large wooden boats that swing really high: I was convinced that we'd get in it and she would get scared. Not at all the case, she loved it! She didn't want to stop. It was incredible and she smiled and giggled the whole time we were on the swing.

Later in the day she banged her head into a birdbath while chasing a bubble, and had a tantrum when we tried to convince her that it was time to leave the ren faire playground in search of vegetarian sustenance (which was actually not that bad a chore believe it or not!). A-chan also discovered a great new pastime- playing in the dirt. Not just any dirt, but red clay dirt. Yikes. We were horrified. And yet, she had an aching head from the birdbath incident and was going without a we let her play in the dirt rather than forcing the issue and have her start screaming in the middle of the dance performance we were at. I felt really guilty about her being so dirty and got a couple of disgruntled looks from the dancers over A-chan's 'toy'...

The Awalim troupe invited all the little kids in the audience up to dance and play music for a while so we and our friends with a small daughter convinced our girls to go up and have fun. A-chan enjoyed dancing with the other children and actually tried doing snake arms!

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